The youth ministry, from infant to high-school senior, requires certain qualifications and training in order to offer the safest environment possible. We take this very seriously and make every effort to keep the process as simple as possible for youth workers without cutting any corners for the young people we serve. Thank you for your cooperation!
“I’m a Current Youth Worker!”
To continue serving in the youth ministries, every youth worker must take the following applicable steps in the given timeframe:
- Every year (August-September) – reread the updated Youth Policy Manual.
- Every two years – update your MinistrySafe training and quiz.
- Every five years – undergo a new background check.
“I’m New!”
There are four initial steps that must be taken by every adult who works with the youth at Faith; only the first two are required for teens:
- Complete the Questionnaire and submit it to the church office.
- Read the current Youth Policy Manual.
- Adults only: Submit your name and information online for a background check.
- Adults only: Watch the MinistrySafe Sexual Abuse Awareness Training videos and pass the quiz (the link for this step will be emailed to you after steps 1 through 3 have been completed).
The only remaining requirement at this point is for new members to faithfully attend Faith for six months before serving in youth ministries.